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Invisalign with a Fake Tooth or Dental Implant

Whether you already have a fake tooth or are expecting an extraction with an implant later, you can use Invisalign with a fake tooth. If the implant is already placed, it will not move during Invisalign® treatment. If you have a missing tooth, it might be best to have the implant placed after Invisalign treatment.

With the myriad of dental and orthodontic procedures available, each patient may present with a different need. Some people have preexisting crowns, dental bridges, implants, and other previous dental work. Surprisingly, Invisalign® can work with many previous dental procedures to align your smile.

Invisalign with a Missing Tooth

Missing teeth are a common dental problem. In the United States, over 178 million people are missing one or more teeth. Many people do not bother replacing a missing tooth. Unfortunately, that can lead to other problems such as shifting teeth to fill the gap or bone loss.

Although in some instances a tooth may be removed intentionally to relieve crowding, most tooth loss is due to trauma. Dental implants make replacing a missing tooth or teeth much easier.

You can align your teeth using Invisalign with a missing tooth. In most cases, a pontic tooth (artificial tooth) can be useful to maintain space for a future implant. Because implants are permanent, most doctors will recommend completing alignment before installing the implant.

If the tooth was intentionally removed to ease crowding, Invisalign treatment will guide the remaining teeth into the gap to create a perfectly aligned smile.

Invisalign with a Fake Tooth or Existing Dental Implant

If you have a prosthetic tooth, such as a partial denture, you can still use Invisalign with a fake tooth. You may need to have spacers in your trays and not wear the prosthetic device during treatment. The spacers will keep your teeth from shifting into the empty spot.

Many dentists are moving away from the use of partial dentures, or prosthetic devices. Dental implants provide a permanent solution to missing teeth. Once installed, an implant is just like having a real tooth in place. The implant acts, looks, and feels just like a real tooth.

If you already have an existing implant, Invisalign® can still align your remaining natural teeth. Because dental implants are permanent, they will not move during your treatment.

Invisalign with a Crown

Invisalign® is increasingly popular with adults seeking treatment later in life. Many patients already have dental work such as crown placement. Although Invisalign is not suitable for everyone, many people with previous dental work will be happy that dental crowns are not an automatic disqualifier.

Dental crowns that are attached and firmly sealed to teeth should not affect Invisalign treatment. The biggest factor is in removing the tray aligners carefully to avoid dislodging the crown. In some instances, a dentist may add a clear attachment to teeth to protect the crown during treatment.

Invisalign with a Dental Bridge

Although it is possible to undergo Invisalign® treatment with a dental bridge, there are some limitations that should be a part of the discussion and planning.

A dental bridge is a fake tooth that uses the adjacent teeth as anchors. Unlike an implant, dental bridges are not always permanent and may require replacement after 5 to 15 years.

If the teeth anchoring the fake tooth require alignment, the dentist may remove the bridge during Invisalign® treatment. Bridge replacement can occur following treatment. It might be time to consider replacing the bridge with an implant after Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign with Veneers

Veneers are a cosmetic enhancement for teeth. They are not able to correct bite problems or align teeth. They are simply a curtain over the teeth to hide imperfections. If the desire is to have an aligned smile, Invisalign® is preferable to veneers.

If a patient already has veneers, it is still possible to use Invisalign®. In some cases, special attachments may be necessary to allow the aligners to fit snugly enough to do their job.

The suitability for using Invisalign® with veneers is dependent on a number of factors. If you have existing veneers and are seeking Invisalign treatment, discuss it with your orthodontist.

Invisalign with a Fake Tooth — How It Works

Whether you have a fake tooth, dental implant, bridge, or another type of previous dental work, Invisalign® is still a viable option for you. This versatile treatment method can work around an existing fake tooth to align the remaining natural teeth.

The largest factor is that a fake tooth will not move. Invisalign® can straighten the natural teeth around a fake tooth without affecting the positioning of the fake tooth.

In cases where a tooth is missing, the normal recommendation is to wait until Invisalign® treatment is nearing completion before installing an implant. This allows the natural teeth to be properly aligned using a pontic to keep the space. An implant can be placed during the last couple of months of alignment.

What Makes Invisalign so Versatile?

Invisalign® was originally a way to offer an option to straighten minor alignment issues to avoid traditional metal braces. Since its introduction, Align Technology continues to refine and improve the tray alignment system. They have introduced SmartTrack® material, SmartForce® attachments, and many other innovations.

Using an iTero Element® intraoral digital scanner, an orthodontist begins by creating a 3D map of the interior of the mouth. Pairing the interactive map with powerful computer-aided-design software, the doctor can map out an entire treatment plan.

When using Invisalign with a fake tooth, the doctor can flag the fake tooth so that the teeth around it can be shifted into the correct positions. When the Invisalign trays are made, the fake tooth will remain in place while the natural teeth shift into alignment.

The adaptability of Invisalign makes it versatile enough to work with many patients who have existing dental work that precludes them from using traditional braces.

Explore Your Options with Invisalign

If you are ready to discuss Invisalign treatment, contact John Orthodontics to schedule a Complimentary Consultation. New patients may also call 954-799-5419 to speak directly to our Appointment Coordinator. Our conveniently located office serves the entire area of Coral Springs and surrounding communities.

Please be sure to visit our social media pages on Facebook and Instagram too.


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