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The Orthodontist You Choose Matters

When it comes to your smile, the orthodontist you choose matters. Generally, you’ll see the orthodontist many times. So, you want to be sure you’re comfortable with and trust them. Also, you want to find a practice where the staff is welcoming, friendly, and accomodating. 

At John Orthodontics, we’re proud of our wall of 5-star reviews. See for yourself what people are saying about their positive experiences with our friendly staff and doctor. We’re proud to serve patients of all ages in Broward County.

In addition to finding the fit with your personality, there are so many other reasons to be choosey. So, we’ll look at a few of these reasons next.

Faster, More Comfortable Treatment 

By choosing the right orthodontist, you can ensure your experience is the best possible. Do they have experience with and use the latest technology? If so, your treatment can be faster and more comfortable.

Always, John Orthodontics stays up-to-date on the best technologies so we can make your experience as fast and comfortable as possible. At our state-of-the-art office, you’ll be welcomed into a relaxed, friendly environment.

Accommodation to Fit Your Budget and Schedule

Since you may see your orthodontist for months or sometimes years, then you want to maximize convenience. Will they work with your busy schedule? Will treatment fit your budget?

At John Orthodontics, we work to accommodate your schedule and now offer virtual consultations for new patients. Thus, you don’t have to leave home to get started. Best of all, it’s free, and you’ll get answers to all your questions about Invisalign or braces.

Along with convenience, we strive to ensure nothing holds you back from the beautiful smile you deserve. Thus, we offer flexible financing to fit your budget. Also, we’ll help maximize any insurance benefits you may have.

A Perfect Smile to Show Off for Life!

Now for the pièce de résistance, the masterpiece of a perfect smile! For us, we know that a lovely smile can transform lives because we’ve seen it over and over. Not only can treatment improve your health, but most people become more confident with greater self-esteem. 

As a more confident person who shows off their smile frequently, you can often experience more success. Notably, studies have shown that people perceive those with beautiful smiles as happier, healthier, smarter, and even more trustworthy.

Even better, you could avoid serious oral health issues like tooth decay, gum disease, tooth loss, and jaw pain, and a prematurely aged appearance. As you complete your journey, you’ll be proud to show off a gleaming smile to everyone around you.

At John Orthodontics, you get the best custom treatment plan from Dr. Eliane A. John, a board-certified orthodontist with over 20 years of experience and training.

See some examples of our Patient Gallery’s winning smiles and join us on Facebook and Instagram for more.

Contact us here to schedule a complimentary in-person consultation or call (954) 575-3313 anytime.

We look forward to showing you why the orthodontist you choose matters.

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Office Hours

  • Monday: 9:00am-5:30pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday: 8:00am-5:00pm
  • Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Once A Month
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