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Early Treatment

Specialized Orthodontic Treatment For Children In Coral Springs FL

Dr. Eliane John’s view on early orthodontic treatment for children as young as age seven is in accordance with The American Association Of Orthodontists. “Why so young,” people may wonder. The reason is simple: By age seven, children have typically lost most of their primary teeth, and their adult teeth are erupting. This is the perfect time to assess their bite and jaw alignment from front to back and monitor adult tooth growth, catching any problems in very early stages before they become worse in later years. This ultimately saves time and money in the long run for patients of Coral Spring, Florida and surrounding areas of Broward County.

Phase One Or Interceptive Orthodontics

This type of treatment is sometimes known as Phase One of Two Phase Orthodontic Treatment, or Interceptive Orthodontics. The reason for this is quite literal. We are attempting to intercept any negative orthodontic developments by identifying problems early on and committing to a course of treatment or continuous monitoring, depending on the individual. This type of treatment schedule has proven to be highly beneficial, resulting in more efficient and effective treatment with braces and clear braces.

What Can My Child And I Expect From Early Orthodontic Treatment?

We work very closely with the parents during this treatment phase. First you will schedule your child’s initial evaluation appointment. During that initial evaluation, we will first determine if there are any problems that need attention, like crowding, cross bite, open bite, overbite, or gummy smiles. It is very possible that no immediate treatment will be necessary and simply monitoring the continual eruption of adult teeth is recommended. However, if treatment is needed, we will discuss the braces cost, and begin to create a personalized planthat will set your child on the right course to a perfect smile.

Each patient is different, but some methods we will use during Phase I Treatment are utilizing fixed or removable orthodontic appliances to:

  • Provide room for crowded teeth or erupting teeth
  • Preserve space for un-erupted teeth
  • Manipulate jaw growth to create facial symmetry
  • Reduce possibility of tooth extraction
  • Reduce overall treatment time in braces

Contact John Orthodontics To Schedule Your Child’s Appointment Today

If your child is between ages 7 & 10, he or she is at the perfect age to visit an orthodontist in Coral Springs FL. Contact us today to schedule an complimentary consultation (954) 575-3313.

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Office Hours

  • Monday: 9:00am-5:30pm
  • Tuesday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
  • Wednesday: 8:00am-5:00pm
  • Thursday: 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: Once A Month
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